Where are sexual health/STD clinics in Japan?
In Japan, the number of sexual health clinics available for both men and women is not many. Urologists take care of mens sexual health and gynecologists do that for womens. There are clinics called Seibyo-Ka, which mean STD clinic but often their primal specialty is urology and do not do tests and treatments for women.
Major hospitals have both urology and gynecology departments. However, in general they request a referral. Without referral they will charge you 2,000-5,000 yen on top of your treatment and testing fees. Hospitals are for patients who need advanced treatments or/and operations. If you are simply seeking for STD/STI tests clinics are the places to go.
We can help you suggest where to go. Contact us. We keep your information strictly confidential.
STD/STI Test and Treatment
If you are experiencing symptoms see I may have a STD, What should I do? page for detailed information. If you have no symptom, see I Have no STD symptoms but I just want to get tested.
Condoms can be easily purchased at drug stores, supermarkets and convenience stores. Read Birth Control for available options in Japan for women. To get emergency contraception, read Morning After Pill/Emergency Contraception page.
Unplanned Pregnancy
Abortion/Termination of Pregnancy has detailed information.
HIV Test
See HIV Testing in I have no STD Symptoms but I just want to get tested.
PEP after HIV exposure
PEP is available to healthcare workers who had occupational exposures but not commonly available after sexual exposure in Japan. We have no information of a clinic/hospital that can provide PEP following sexual exposure.
HIV Treatment
HIV specialists are available at hospitals that have infectious disease department. The medications are very expensive even with insurance but you can apply for the government subsidy that covers most of your treatment costs. We can help you locate a nearby designated hospital and coordinate your doctor’s visit. We also guide you how to apply for the subsidy and help you fill out necessary forms which are only in Japanese.